Nails or Netflix, Why I Choose Nails | GLU Girls Like You

Nails or Netflix, Why I Choose Nails

Growing up is something else, isn't it? Beyond the fact that it’s a little scary, your friends are changing too and your body off doing some weird new tricks. Sometimes it's hard to feel like yourself. 

These are all reasons we launched our new beauty line, GLU Girls Like You. Beauty products offer a way to express yourself and your style, but they also have greater power: the power to harness your internal strength and make you feel a whole lot better.

Netflix or Nails, why I choose a manicure

Um, beauty’s gonna improve my overall mood? you may thinking, side-eye out in force. But it’s not B.S. When everything feels out of whack, it’s nice to have something you can control—and since nails certainly fit that bill, we launched with our GLU Girls Like You Nail Kit. “I’ve been filing my nails and painting them a different color a lot during COVID,” says our creative director, 12-year-old Lila Parish. “My nails look nice, and at the end, you feel like you accomplished something. You didn’t watch another episode of whatever on Netflix.”

No diss to Netflix (season 4 of Stranger Things: where you at?), but Lila’s got a point. As manicurist Lauren Oertel explains: “It’s empowering to have taken care of this, to look put together. Doing a manicure yourself is another form of feeling confident.” Guess what? This is scientific fact! Researchers studied the benefits of wearing makeup and, turns out, it can make you feel not just confident, but smarter—and even do better on tests! GLU Crimson red nails the night before your next big test? Check. 

Plus—and this is the part we heart so much—anyone can do their nails. They have nothing to do with your size or your grades or whether you’ve got zits or a boyfriend or girlfriend or issues at home. They’re something just for you…for every girl. 

But back to the goodies! First, we must tell you about the box they come in. (Yes, a box. Trust.) It’s one of the coolest things about this product, engineered to hold your cell phone upright so that as you’re painting your nails, you can FaceTime with friends, watch YouTube, or even log onto our how-to video to follow along as we paint our nails with you.

When you lift the lid from the box, it reveals all the tools you need to mani up like a pro: cuticle oil, a nail clipper, top coat, a file, a 4-way buffer, a soy-based remover, and a small, tailored brush to clean up mistakes, because we all make ‘em. And since, as Oertel notes, it’s “freeing” to change the color you’re wearing often, our kit contains a shade for almost every day of the week. 

All polishes are vegan and 10-free, meaning they don’t contain any baddies—a.k.a., the 10 most potentially toxic nail polish ingredients (we want you to be healthy, after all!). Annnd they’ve got a base coat built right in, so you don’t have to worry about that extra step!

Ready to have some fun? Try our new customizable nail kit and make it your own!

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